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Gettin' Naked with TJ Podcast

Oct 30, 2019

In today's chosen, fast paced world of keeping up with the Joneses, digging yourself out of planned debt, staying socially acceptable, and constantly being under the barrage of noxious stimulus our body's have created a state of sympathetic dominance for survival. A constant state of fight or flight. Leaving us...

Oct 23, 2019

Infomercials for psychiatric medications fail to really stress the side effects and what goes into the healing on mental health conditions. It’s always people holding hands, flying kites, smiling in the sunshine. But I’m here to tell you that is rarely the reality. There is big business that needs you to believe...

Oct 16, 2019

Pain, swelling, and inflammation are a warning by the body that damage has been done and healing is starting or not complete yet. We live in a society that perpetuates the idea that not feeling symptoms is healthy and hiding symptoms is healing. This has left us less functional, in more pain, and more confused about...

Oct 9, 2019

We are seeing youth injuries in ALL sports at epidemic proportions. Organizations, facilities, trainers, doctors, therapists, and tech wizards are all trying to solve the problem from the top down which clearly isn’t working. The only organization who can turn this whole thing around, who can stop these injuries from...

Oct 3, 2019

What makes a successful athletic facilitator? Is it the programming? The credentials? Experience? The Certifications? In today's episode, Joel Smith from Just Fly Sports and I go deep into what is necessary to coach athletes of all ages in 2019. From the youth sport level all the way up to Olympians. We discuss...